Why did we create Locals Tompkins?

LocalsTompkins.com arose from a desire to give back to the community we’ve lived in for many years by helping connect local residents with local businesses, non-profits, and freelancers.

Does it cost anything to be listed on Locals Tompkins?

NO, Local Tompkins is completely free. While our website sales make it possible for us to create and maintain Local Tompkins, there is no requirement to buy anything from us to be listed on the site. The only requirement to be listed on Local Tompkins is to be local – namely businesses, non-profits, and freelancers that provide goods and/or services in Tompkins County and meet one of the following criteria:

  • businesses that have at least one owner who lives in Tompkins County or one of the surrounding counties
  • non-profits providing goods and/or services in Tompkins County
  • freelancers who live in Tompkins County or one of the surrounding counties

Accurate, We make sure the listings are active and local

We strive to keep the information on Locals Tompkins as complete, accurate, and up to date as possible. The verified dates on each listing indicate the date we last verified the posted information by contacting the listee and, if possible, visiting the address given. Posts with no verified date have not yet been personally verified and so are based on information we obtained online that may or may not be current and accurate.

bringing local consumers & providers together

What other things make Locals Tompkins special?


We want to keep people coming back and to foster more of a community so we plan to have a blog and hold contests and polls.

Includes Freelancers

You can also find individuals living in the area who offer goods and services, or, if you are such an individual, obtain a listing on Locals Tompkins.

Easier to search

You can search businesses by category – such as restaurants or craft stores – and filter these results by the special features they offer – such as wheelchair accessibility and/or pet friendliness.

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